About Me

Hello! My name is Steven, and I am the creator of Jays Jabber. I am a massive baseball fan, and needless to say, my favourite team is the Toronto Blue Jays. After years of watching, listening, and reading about the team I decided to join in on the fun and take the plunge and start my own Blue Jays blog.

I will write about anything and everything pertaining to the Jays. I will give my thoughts and opinions on what the team is doing, their successes, their failures and everything in between. By no means am I a “Blue Jays Insider”, so do not look to me for any inside scoops or rumours. I will just be one that gives his thoughts on those reported scoops and rumours. While this is mainly a Blue Jays blog, I will write about other MLB news every now and again. Though for the most part, my articles will focus primarily on the Jays.

I appreciate you taking the time to check out my posts, and if you have any suggestions for topics, questions or any other feedback, feel free to use the contact page to send me an email or hit me up on Twitter.